Friday, October 5, 2012


I've been interviewing several kids from the class of struggling readers and I'm actually surprised with some of the findings from the kids that I have talked to. One question that I have asked all of the students is "If you could be in a class with other students (and I name specific students who they are know are higher readers) and most of the students say that they wouldn't want to be in a class with those kids because they would feel like they were the lowest reader in the class. One thing I notice from this comment is that they realize that they are a low reader and don't have the confidence in themselves to compete with those students. My initial thoughts would be that students would want to be in classes with the higher readers but their comments are proving me wrong. This response led to a common prompt that I used. I then would ask the student if it could be them, the higher readers and then another student who is on their same level would they then like that set up. They all agreed that this was a group formation that they would like because they first wouldn't be the only student who struggled and then they could ask for help from those other students. This finding was interesting to me and has led me to the heading of student perception. This will be one way I will classify some of my findings in the actual write up of my paper.

I plan next week to finish my data collection with conversations from the students in the higher reading class. I wonder what types of findings I will find on the same question from these students.

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