Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thick Description

The following descriptions come from the survey given to students in September.

Class A (Struggling Readers)

Please rate your experiences with reading by recording your answer to the questions in the space provided.

  1. What do you like most about reading at school?
One student likes nonfiction; several students mentioned liking the fact that they have choice in book selection; they can learn from books; reading is an adventure; feel more comfortable reading at school than at home. 2 students said they really don't like reading at all.

  1. What do you like least about reading at school?
4 student specifically mentioned that they aren't good at reading and don't like reading and don't like reading in class because of that; some mentioned not liking it because its noisy; one said because they were too social; five students talked about specific assessments being a reason they didn't like reading at school; one student complained of having no time.

  1. Does your teacher divide your class into small groups at all during the class period?
This teacher does not use small groups other than table groups in her class so this question is not valid to this survey.

  1. If so, what is your favorite part about being in small groups?

  1. If you answered yes to question 3, what is your least favorite part about being in small groups?
  1. Use the scale to rate yourself on your ability as a reader.
5 – Always 4 –Sometimes 3 – Not sure 2 – Rarely 1 – Never

I read most all words correctly 5 4 3 2 1
13/17-sometimes; 1/17-always; 1/17-not sure; 2/17-rarely
I understand what I read 5 4 3 2 1
10/17-sometimes; 2/17-not sure; 4/17-always

I am reading the same kinds of 5 4 3 2 1

books as my peers
3/17-never; 3/17-not sure; 2/17-rarely; 6/17-sometimes
I am a good reader 5 4 3 2 1
1/17-never; 3/17-not sure; 5/17-sometimes; 8/17-always
I don’t like reading because I am 5 4 3 2 1

not good at it
8/17-never; 3/17-rarely; 3/17-not sure; 3/17-sometimes
I love reading. I am good at it 5 4 3 2 1
4/17-never; 1/17-not sure; 8/17-sometimes; 4/17-always

7. If I could create my perfect reading class, who would be in it and what would we do? (Please be realistic).
All students mentioned that they wanted to have their friends in their class. Some students said they would have small groups. Most wanted to play reading games or go outside.

This description is from one class. This data helped me to choose the focus group of students based on their various answers to the questions.

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